After being a surfer myself for over 15 years, I always wanted to express how good the ocean makes me feel, especially spending time with an activity like surfing. At first, this good feeling manifested itself directly after my sessions, I experienced a complete mood change and increase of energy that lasted through the rest of the day. During vacations in Maui, Hawaii with my small children I also witnessed an instant positive change of attitude and mood after they jumped into the ocean.
When I started the Surfrider Project about five years ago, the idea was to capture this beautiful feeling by shooting portraits of surfers instantly after they finished their sessions.
The portraits also introduce a diverse collective of parents, professionals and members of the surf community in California and Hawaii committed to the belief that there is healing energy coming from the ocean. They have established organizations such as The Mighty Under Dogs, A Walk On Water and THERAsurf, whose missions are to provide children with special needs the opportunity to benefit from that positive energy by safely getting them into the water and up on waves.